ORATROPBOL 10mg 50 Tablets


Availability: In Stock


Chemical Name: Ibutamoren (MK 677)
Manufacturer: KEIFEI®
Delivery: 1 box 10mg 50 Tablets


Presentation: 10mg per tablet. Light Greenish Yellow colour film
coated round concave tablet with KF wording imprint on one side.
Both plastics blister pack and containers. Container is sealed
with 50 tablets. Blister pack is seal with a single strip of 50.
5 strips x 10 tablets of 50 tablets in a box. Both come with QR
authentication printed on the boxes or labels of the bottle.

Oratropbol is one of the most popular compounds on the market right now.
You might also know MK677 as Ibutamoren. Most of it shows that MK-677
is great at boosting IGF-1 and growth hormone levels. One of the most
notable claims made about Ibutamoren is that it can increase the secretion
of growth factors-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH). It does this by imitating
the way the ghrelin hormone works. This allows it to bind onto one of the
brain’s dedicated ghrelin receptors (GHSR). Once activated, GHSR then stimulates
the production of the growth hormone in the brain. It is interesting to note
that GHSR is especially present in the brain regions. This region functions like
memory, biological rhythms, mood, pleasure, appetite, and cognition. Naturally,
MK-677 may have an effect on these functions as well, whether it’s to increase
or diminish them. What makes MK-677 so unique is the fact that it can increase
GH levels. But it does not disrupt the action of other hormones in your body
such as cortisol. If it did, you’d experience side effects. These would include
reduced immune function, impaired wound healing and a diminished ability to learn
and memorize information.


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