Nolvadex 20 mg x 10 tablets by IRAN HORMONE CO. LTD.


Availability: In Stock



Chemical Name:  Tamoxifen Citrate
Manufacturer:     IRAN HORMONE CO. LTD

Delivery: 1 box 10 tablets (20



Active Life: 5-7 days
Average Dose: 10-30 mg/day
Water Retention: No
Liver Toxic: low

Tamoxifen Citrate is a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Selective estrogen receptor modulators can act as estrogen receptor agonists or antagonists.
This activity of Tamoxifen Citrate is tissue selective, effecting those estrogen receptors located in the liver, breast, and bone. When the Tamoxifen molecule
binds to this receptor, the estrogen is blocked and can not have any influence, thereby remaining inactive in that tissue. By doing so, an “anti-estrogenic”
effect is achieved. The drug was developed and still used to treat breast cancer. It is often used as a first option due to its mild nature in comparison to
aromatase inhibitors. Of course one would want to use the mildest compound possible when dealing with estrogen levels in women, but one could afford to
be more aggressive in dealing with male strength athletes or bodybuilders.
In terms of its use in steroid users, Tamoxifen can help in two ways. Firstly due to the binding affinity of the compound it is able to help in the prevention
of gynocomastia. Tamoxifen will compete with estrogen for the estrogen receptors in certain tissues, including the breast, and if it can bind to the receptor
estrogen will not have an opportunity to interact with receptor and therefore gynocomastia should not be able to develop. When using anabolic steroids that
can convert to estradiol (estrogen) this protection against gynocomastia can be invaluable. However it should be noted that Tamoxifen Citrate will not eliminate
the estrogen or disallow the conversion to occur. Instead it attempts to counteract the effects of circulating estrogen in the body in those tissues that the drug
effects. Therefore there is no evidence that Tamoxifen has any effects counteracting etrogenic side effects that are unrelated to the tissues that are not in the
breast, liver or bone. Namely there is no real causal connection to any reduction in water retention and acne in users that begin taking tamoxifen citrate as it
relates to estrogen.
The second, and possibly more beneficial, aspect of Tamoxifen for steroid users is its ability to increase the production of luteinizing hormone and follicle
stimulating hormone, and therefore increasing testosterone. This ability is why it is often used by steroid users during their post-cycle therapy. There are
numerous studies that indicate that Tamoxifen Citrate can increase the levels of these hormones quite dramatically. Tamoxifen does this by blocking the
negative feedback inhibition caused by estrogen at the hypothalamus and pituitary, and this in turn will help to increase the production of these hormones.
Unlike clomiphine citrate, tamoxifen citrate has also been shown to increase luteinizing hormone responsiveness to gonadotropin releasing hormone.
Clomiphine Citrate can lower this responsiveness over time.


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