HEJOTROPIN 33.3 mg/100 iu by Advar Farma


Availability: In Stock


Chemical Name: Hejotropin recombinant human growth
hormone 191 amino acid
Manufacturer: ADVAR PHARMA
Delivery: 1 box 10 growth hormone
10 x 1ml ampoules of bacteriostatic water


Active ingredients: recombinant human growth hormone 191 amino acid chain 3.3mg / vial

Inactive ingredients: 131 : 1 manitol to protein molar ratio 10 x 1ml ampoules of bacteriostatic water

Excipients: pyrogen free water , benzyl acohol 2 % , NaCl 0.9 %

Use: break of bacteriostatic water ampoule at the neck , using a single use sterile syringe transfer the water to the 2ml multi use vial.

Caution: do not inject the water in the vial under pressure, do not stir or agitate the vial after dissolving . Inject subcutaneously.

Caution: rhGH has some minor topical lipodystrophic effects, for optimal results in dong term use spread out the injections of a large area.


anti aging : 2-3IU q.d. or 4-61U q.a.d
fat loss : 4-8IU q.d. or 8-161U q.a.d
injury recovery : < 700IU in total , 8-161U q.d.



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