GW501516 CARDARINE 10mg 60 Caps


Availability: In Stock


Chemical Name: GW501516 CARDARINE
Delivery: 1 box 10mg 60 Caps

Works immediately (30-40 minutes after use)
Removes fatty acids
Zero Side Effects
Selective fat burner
Increases muscle performance by 150%
Reduces bad cholesterol
Lose up to 15 pounds


Cardarine (or GW 501516) was invented in the 1990s through research conducted by GlaxoSmithKline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It was originally developed to prevent and treat breast, prostate and colon tumors and to help with cardiovascular disease. As the research continued further, people using the drug realized that it boosted their endurance levels and had improvements in endurance, especially in cardiovascular exercises.

Due to these effects, the popularity of Cardarine increased especially among bodybuilders, athletes and athletes. As research on the drug continued, more uses and benefits were discovered, such as burning excess adipose tissue, enhancing recovery, improving endurance, and aiding muscle growth.

Studies from 2015 showed that the drug forms pro-inflammatory markers in specific tissues and reduces the rate of metabolic fat formation (lipogenesis). This gives the body the ability to stop the formation of fatty acid chains that will then be stored as fat


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