FOLLISTATIN 344 2mg/vial


Availability: In Stock


hemical Name: FOLLISTATIN 344
Manufacturer: KEIFEI®
Delivery: 3 x 2mg/vial


Presentation: Each 2ml multidoses vial contains 2mg/vial. With Keifei® wording
imprinted on the side. Purple colour cap with keifei® wording stamp on it. Come
in both 3 x 2mg/vial with 3 x 2ml/ampoules of Bacteriostatic Water in a plastic
insert in white and purplecolour box. 1 set of 10 digits authentication codes
paste on the plastic tray.

Follistatin, also known as Activin-binding protein and FST344, is a secreted protein.
Follistatin / FST is an autocrine glycoprotein that is expressed in nearly all tissues
of higher animals. Follistatin / FST contains 3 follistatin-like domains, 3 Kazal-like
domains and 1 TB (TGF-beta binding) domain. Follistatin / FST is produced by
folliculostellate (FS) cells of the anterior pituitary. FS cells make numerous contacts
with the classical endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary including gonadotrophs.
Isoform 1 of Follistatin / FST is the predominant isoform in serum but is undetectable
in follicular fluid. Follistatin / FST is a specific inhibitor of the biosynthesis and
secretion of pituitary follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Follistatin / FST binds
directly to activin and functions as an activin antagonist. Follistatin / FST was
initially isolated from follicular fluid and was identified as a protein fraction that
inhibited follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion from the anterior pituitary,
and so was known as FSH-suppressing protein (FSP). Follistatin / FST and BMPs are
known to play a role in folliculogenesis within the ovary. The main role of
Follistatin / FST in the oestrus/menstrus ovary appears to be progression of the
follicle from early antral to antral/dominant, and importantly the promotion of
cellular differentiation of the estrogen producing granulosa cells (GC) of the
dominant follicle into the progesterone producing large lutein cells (LLC)
of the corpus luteum.


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