Shipping And Delivery

The shipping cost is 10 euros!

Do i have any discount at the products?

For all your orders we offer you the following discounts :

order 500-1000 euros discount 10%
order 1000-1500 euros discount 15%
order 1500- το to infinity 20%

How long take to receive my order?

Shipping time depend on various factors (postal service efficiency,, international transit etc ), but since we are shipping within EU and we are EU service, delivery time is usually 5-10 working days and there are no customs responsibilities .

There is a signature required when my package is delivered?

All our packages are shipped internationally via registered mail. The signature is required upon delivery.But there is nothing to get worried about , the packing is very discreet so the postman and nobody else can’t know what is in the package.So you may go and pick it up with no worries.Although if a costumer wants his package to be shipped via regular mail therefore they don’t require any signature upon delivery.

Is the shipping trackable?
Yes it is, most of packages have tracking numbers but it will be provided to you only after the package reaches its expected date.

Do you ship to PO-Boxes?

Yes. We ship to no only to PO-Boxes but also to PMB (private mail boxes) or any remote address you choose. Just make sure that your PO-Box or PMB can accept envelopes or flatten package.

What are your success delivery rate?

We have 99% success delivery rate