TESTOBOLIN 325 325mg/ml x 10 ml


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Chemical Name: Testosterone Acetate 30mg/ml, Testosterone Decanoate 100mg/ml,
Testosterone Propionate 55mg/ml, Testosterone Phenylpropionate 55mg/ml,
Testosterone Cypionate 85mg/ml.
Manufacturer: KEIFEI® PHARMA
Delivery: 1 box 325mg/ml x 10 ml multi doses


Testobolin 325 – Sustanbolin 250 is says to be the king of testosterone. As it contains 4 different types of testosterone esters. Testoblin 325 contains of 5 testosterones mixture, making it more superior that Sustanbolin 250. The presence of the acetate ester allows the testosterone to display a rapid initial physiological response. The other four esters, which release at slower rates, prolong the physiological response with a relatively flat absorption curve over the duration of the injection life-cycle. This is a good mass builder products ever produce.

Being a strong testosterone product, all the standard androgenic side effects are also to be expected. Oily Skin, acne, aggressiveness, facial or body hair growth and male pattern baldness are all possible.


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