Proviron – 25mg x 20 tablets by Schering


Availability: In Stock


Ingredient:        1-methyl-dihydrotestosterone
As known as:    Provironum, Masterolone, Masterone, Mesterone
Manufacturer: Schering
Delivery:1 box 20 tablets 25mg



The Proviron is a man made oral drug which is used to get solid muscle mass.
The Provironum has no anabolic effect, so this drug is unable to improve solid
muscle mass. The Provironum is capable to improve testosterone hormone production,
which helps to improve the sexual organ of the male person.
This drug is used widely to treat male impotence.

The Proviron is a popular drug to the competitive bodybuilders to improve muscle mass.
The effective drug Proviron is capable to enhance the amount of testosterone so this
drug is also used to treat androgen deficiency. The Proviron is not only used to treat
impotence, it is also used to improve the secondary
sexual character of the male person.

The Provironum has anti-estrogenic power which helps to get solid muscle mass. The
Provironum reduce the estrogen production by binding the androgen receptor. The Proviron
is used with other anabolic steroid to get solid muscle. The normal dose of the Provironum
is only one to two oral tablets daily.


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