Lida Gold 30 Caps


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Lida Slim Strong Gold

Lida Gold – a new formula with refined action with the addition of Garcinia Cambogia and Hoodia Gordonii
This is the latest variety of Lida with improved action, especially suitable for athletes.
With its minimal side effects, they are suitable for people more sensitive to weight products
who want effective and lasting results. Pills are suitable for weight loss in both women and men.
There are 30 capsules in one package (bottle).

Lida Gold – slimming pills contain the active ingredients of the well-known Lida Old formula product
on the market – but in a new, more protected package in a bottle and with an improved formula. They
have an increased content of the ingredients Daidaihua and L-Carnitine. Lida Gold is particularly
suitable for people who are actively involved in some kind of sports or fitness, but also for people
who lead a sedentary life. The result will be faster and more noticeable for those who exercise,
so don’t forget to exercise a little. They are mainly made of herbal extra.Slimming capsules respond
to market demand for a product with the well-known effect of the Lida series, but with reduced side effects.
A unique tool for effective, fast and safe weight loss. The pills do not contain components of hormonal origin.


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