
Availability: In Stock


Manufacturer: KEIFEI®
Delivery: 10 x 14iu/vial with 10 x 2ml/ampoules


Presentation: Each 2ml multidose vial contains 14 iu/vial with Keifei® wording
imprinted on the side. Red colour cap with keifei® wording stamp on it. Come
in both 10 x 14iu/vial with 10 x 2ml/ampoules of Bacteriostatic Water in a
plastic insert in white and red colour box. 1 set of 10 digits authentication
codes paste on the plastic tray.

Or 1 x 14iu/vial and 1 x 2ml bacteriostatic water in a plastic tray in a
smaller white and red colour box. 1 set of 10 digits authentication codes
paste on the smaller plastic tray. 10 boxes in a bigger outer box.

Recombination Human Growth Hormone for injection 191 Amino Acid Sequece
Somatropin 14iu/vial x10 2 cc Sterile water x10 ALTERNATIVE
STEROID NAMES: HYGETROPIN, HGH, Human growth hormone, Saizen, Somatohorm,
Nutropin, Genotropin, JINTROPIN, Humatrope, HGH Somatripin, Somatropin
EuroHormones, Global Biotech ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Human growth hormone.

As with no other doping drug, growth hormones are still surrounded by
an aura of mystery. Some call it a wonder drug which causes gigantic
strength and muscle gains in the shortest time. Others consider it
completely useless in improving sports performance and argue that it
only promotes the growth process in children with an early stunting of
growth. Some are of the opinion that growth hormones in adults cause
severe bone deformities in the form of overgrowth of the lowerjaw and
extremities. And, generally speaking, which growth hormones should one
take the human form, the synthetically manufactured version, recombined
or genetically produced form and in which dosage? All this controversy
about growth hormones is so complex that the reader must have some basic
information in order to understand them.

The growth hormones is a polypeptide hormone consisting of 191 amino acids.
In humans it is produced in the hypophysis and released if there are the
right stimuli (e.g. training, sleep, stress, low blood sugar level). It is
now important to understand that the freed HGH (human growth hormones) itself
has no direct effect but only stimulates the liver to produce and release
insulin-like growth factors and somatomedins. These growth factors are then
the ones that cause various effects on the body. The problem, however,
is that the liver is only capable of producing a limited amount of these
substances so that the effect is limited. If growth hormones are injected
they only stimulate the liver to produce and release these substances and
thus, as already mentione, have no direct effect.






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