HGH-FRAGMENT 5mg by NovePharm


Availability: In Stock


Chemical Name: Human Growth Hormone Fragment
Manufacturer:     NovePharm
Delivery: 1 box 1 vial human growth hormone fragment (176-191)
1 vial 10ml water for injection


HGH Fragment – this is a peptide that activates the process of fat burning and is twelve times more effective than growth hormone itself. In addition, it blocks the formation of new fat, without causing adverse effects on the human body. Also this fat burner is much cheaper than growth hormone injection, and most other drugs for weight loss.

The peptides called HGH Fragment, was discovered by American researchers. The most widely spread in the sports Pharmacology drug only after production began to be produced by major Chinese pharmaceutical companies.

Today this product is successfully used both in the gym and power sports and medicine (one of the most effective means for treatment of obesity).



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